Antenatal Classes

We operate antenatal classes throughout the year where there is demand.

These classes are small, specialised group classes with a maximum of 4 people.

Prepare your body for the demands of pregnancy and labour and aid your body’s post pregnancy recovery by working on postural stabilising muscles, alignment, functional upper body strength (for holding your growing baby) and the essential core and pelvic floor control.

Let’s get to know each other.


If you are a new client interested in attending private or group classes we encourage you to come in to the studio for an assessment and introduction to Pilates or Yoga.

During the initial assessment you will complete a health questionnaire, discuss your health history and get to know your body better with some simple screening tests.

We will cover some of the fundamentals such as breathing, alignment and correct muscle activation so that you have this vital knowledge to take home and practice. From here we will decide which classes best suit you!